Monday, February 1, 2021

Last quarter :)

 I feel like I say this every month...but I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S FEBRUARY! Which means the SUPERBOWL is this Sunday! It's definitely the talk of the town around here!! 

Here's a little rundown!

- It is also transfer week this week and we've got some news! Sister Moli will be leaving (😭) and headed to another zone to be a Sister Training Leader! I am so extremely excited for her!! She'll be amazing but I am SO SAD to have to say goodbye!!! I've only been in social media for a transfer and now I'm training someone! CRAZY.

- I am getting a new companion, her name is Hermana Harding!! We were in the SAME WARD when we were younger and so it'll be fun to be with my childhood best friend for the next little bit!! 

- This week starts my second to last transfer.. I go home next transfer.. I am not a fan. I am trying to make time slow down! I am loving every minute of my mission and never want it to end!

- WE MET A FRIEND. Okay so with Covid restrictions here we are not allowed to contact anyone.. but President Hollingsworth said that if we are talked to first or we don't try to go up and immediately tell them we're from a church (they have to ask) BUT we spent a lot of time on USF campus this week filming more advertisements! This girl walked by with a USF shirt on and I turned around and told her I liked it and sparked a conversation! 15 minutes later she was asking us all sorts of questions! We invited her to the bonfire activity the YSA was having! Her name is Taylor and she had been on campus only 2 weeks! She is super sweet! Please pray for her!

- We had some more Zone exchanges all about social media and those went well:)

- We also got a NEW CAR. We got a 2021 Chevy Equinox hahah when we got the call from the Vehicle Coordinators I just started laughing. Missionaries have it so nice. I feel so so SO blessed!!

This week was oh so good! I am so grateful for the sweetest companion and everything she's taught me this past transfer! I am grateful for all of the experiences God has given me since I have been here in Florida! 

OKAY. Church this was amazing and the one speaker spoke ALL about football! There are 2 quotes that I wanted to share with you all:)

"If you play scared, you're going to get hurt."
"We've been selected for God's special teams."

He made the connection between us as the special team and life as the game. What starts
the game off is the kickoff. Players line up and run at 100% to get to the other side. That's us right now. If we run scared we won't get anywhere and we're going to find ourselves hurt, tired and scared. When we take on life with everything we have and when we don't play scared, we can rely on our Heavenly coaches to tell us which play to run and where we need to go. 

I KNOW that this church is true. I know that we each have a special assignment from our Heavenly Father. When we put Him in the center of our lives we'll have a winning season;) we have the Bible and the Book of Mormon alongside our living Prophet as "playbooks" that God has given to us. I invite each of you to read from one of the playbooks and write down what you learn and SHARE with someone else:)

I LOVE YOU ALL. I hope this week is one to remember!

All my love:)
Hermana King

- last preparation day with Sister Thurgood!
- Tampa is BEAUTIFUL 
- The crew
- Got to see Hermana Riggs and it made my WHOLE DAY
- All of the sisters that work in the office
- saying bye to Sister Thurgood!
- ad filming crew
- sister moli's 9 months!!!
- the Cooks make us dinner every Sunday:)
- we got to get groceries with some of the funnest sisters! 

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