Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Happiest I've ever been!!

 Happy almost SEPTEMBER to you all!!! This week was a great one!! We have had SO MUCH rain this week it's been crazy! 

Well we've seen SO MANY miracles this week!! As far as our friends go, they are KILLING it in the progressing game!! We were able to teach Mia and she is as cute as ever and she has the sweetest testimony!! This week we were able to talk to her mom, Magaly! We talked to her about when she wants Mia to get baptized! She said she has seen so many changes in Mia and she knows it's because of the gospel. Her husband isn't a member and we got a lesson with her AND HIM this upcoming week!! She thinks the changes he has seen in Mia has been such a good thing for him!! He is interested and we teach him on Tuesday!! Patricia is has GOLD as ever! She told us this past Tuesday she knows she wants and needs to get baptized! She pulled put 2 Nephi 31 and explained to US that she needs to be baptized! Haha! She is praying about a date right now!! We lost contact with her for a few days this week because she was visiting some family, but she texted us telling us she missed us ha! She is so great! 

OKAY! We were able to find new friends this week but the one new friend I want to talk about is Victor! He was a reference from missionaries in Texas and he had met with them for a bit! We received his contact WEEKS ago and haven't been able to have any contact with him! The sisters in Texas hadn't had any luck either, he just dropped off the face of the earth! So we sat down during weekly planning and prayed to tell God we were planning to drop him if he didn't answer us. HE ANSWERED WITHIN A FEW RINGS! What!! We decided to be bold with God and he told us what needed to happen. We had a lesson with Victor on Friday and he is SO GREAT! We dropped off a Book of Mormon the next day and he just happened to be in front of his house so we got to meet him!! We had another lesson last night and he told us that he feels this church supports one another SO WELL and he wants to be apart of that. He loves how Gods plan is focused on family and we extended a baptismal invitation and he accepted with NO HESITATION! He is going to pray about a date and we are SO PROUD of him. We were able to get him a friend from the branch and WOW our members are the best!! 

One more miracle!! So we have been recieving so many referrals from Facebook! We got a referral and we felt like we should call this sister right away. We called and turns out she is a less active member that has been inactive for YEARS. She realized something was missing from her life when she had her cute little baby 2 months ago and began to have really bad post partum depression. She told us she knew that coming back to church was what she needed to do and she needed help doing it! HOW COOL. We are going to meet her in a few days! God cares about every one of his kids, members, less active, friends investigating the church, or just someone of the street. HE LOVES US ALL. So so cool!! 

God is not shy to show us what He wants us to do. Today I want to share of few quotes that I've found this week that have been SO helpful for me and I hope they can be something that you need to hear as well :)
"Your Father in Heaven knows your name and knows your circumstance. He hears your prayers. He knows your hopes and dreams, including your fears and frustrations. And He knows what you can become through faith in Him." 
-Elder Holland
"It’s impossible to live a perfect life. Only one man was able to live perfectly while dwelling on this telestial planet. That was Jesus Christ. Although we may not be perfect, brothers and sisters, we can be worthy: worthy to partake of the sacrament, worthy of temple blessings, and worthy to receive personal revelation."
-Sister Cravens
I LOVE these 2 quotes. Our Father in Heaven KNOWS each of us individually. I know I am SO unbelievably hard on myself BUT I know that because we have our Savior, Jesus Christ, we don't need to be perfect right now. Just like Sister Craven said, Christ lived a perfect life. We might not be perfect (yet) but we sure can live a WORTHY life. When we live worthy, God will not be shy to rain down blessings. I know as each of us strive to make little improvements everyday, that because God knows our hearts, we will be able to progress EVERY DAY. As we TRY, we will be able to be the happiest we ever could be!!

This week I challenge each of you to find a small service to do for something else at least once a day. As we strive to help others, we will be able to become more like Christ!! 

I love each of you!! Thanks for following along in this crazy adventure with me!! HAVE THE BEST WEEK EVERYONE!!!

Hermana King :) 

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