Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A great week for a baptism!!

 HELLO EVERYONE! I hope this week was GREAT! 

Here in Largo, miracles are HAPPENING and it's been so so SO cool to be able to see some of them happen!! 

Here are a few highlights from the week:
-VICTOR WAS BAPTIZED!! It was one of the coolest moments ever. He walked into the building with his family who aren't members and was just BEAMING. He was SO excited!!! It was super fun to see him meet the members in person that we had had SO many lessons with virtually! I think my favorite part was his testimony at the end of the baptism! He got up and bore the SWEETEST testimony and then sat down but realized he didn't end all the way haha so he popped right back up and said "OH! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!" It was SO SWEET. He spent over an HOUR at the church talking with members afterwards which was so so good! He is already in the Elders Quorom group chat 😂 He will be getting the priesthood this week! While he was talking to other members, we were able to talk with his sister, brother in law, his niece and nephew! His sister has interest and wants us to start teaching the family!! She gave us her number and we are SO excited to see where it goes!!
-we got a text from Victor that night just thanking us for helping him take this big step in his life and it was the SWEETEST message we've ever received! The gospel of Jesus Christ really is LIFE CHANGING! 
-another highlight is about our new friend HAYDEE! She was passed to us from the elders because they couldn't get in contact with her so they asked us to try! We got in contact and brought her cookies! In our first lesson with her she asked how she can become a MISSIONARY. She said that we are different than other people and she wants to do what we do! Well...we asked her to be baptized and she's getting baptized this upcoming Sunday!! She came to church yesterday and tells us EVERYDAY how excited she is to be baptized! She's 18 and is studying to be a nurse JUST LIKE MY COMP AND I! She is the best and we LOVE her!! Keep her in your prayers!!
-another super cool miracle happened with Haydee has we were teaching her the Plan of Salvation! Our service in our house is SO BAD. So we got on and started with a pray but the first 10 minutes it was a lot of "can you hear us now? How about now?" BUT we decided to just the starting the lesson. We started teaching the Plan and NO TECHNICAL PROBLEMS AT ALL. Right has soon has we ended explaining the kingdoms and talked about it all, boom TECHNICAL PROBLEMS again. We got through the WHOLE PLAN without any problems. SUPER cool miracle!!!!
-well Patricia is as good as ever and is still SO SET on being baptized the 29th! She is one of the most ready and elect people I have ever met. She tells us every lesson about new, super spiritual experiences she has while reading the Book of Mormon! I have never seen a testimony like hers about The Book of Mormon! She has her interview tomorrow and we know without a doubt she is prepared:) yesterday when we had a lesson to review each interview question she told us ALLLLL about her testimony about every little thing that we've taught her and wow it was a COOL, COOL experience:) 
-mia is still progressing and she is such a happy girl! We were able to have a virtual lesson with Hermana Marlers 9 year old brother and Mia! It was such a fun lesson and it went so well! Having Mia see other kids her age that are members AND that can speak english has been a super crazy, awesome blessing!!

Wow. I have felt the spirit stronger than ever this week! A quote that I want to share with you this week is from President Nelson's talk, "Hear Him!" and it says:
"Regardless of where you live or what your circumstances are, the Lord Jesus Christ is your Savior, and God’s prophet Joseph Smith is your prophet" 
To describe this week in one word I would say NONSTOP. And how grateful I am to say that! If you were to tell me a year ago that I would be doing missionary work virtually, not having church in person, not teaching in person, not meeting our friends in person until their baptism but STILL BEING SO BUSY I would have thought you're crazy. God is VERY aware of each of us and he is AWARE of His work. The work is moving along!! I feel SO lucky to be apart of it!!! Just like this quote, no matter where we are, God is our Father, Christ is our Savior and Joseph Smith restored the gospel of Christ. Even though we are inside and our lives have CHANGED drastically because of the Corona Virus, we have these truths that will never change. I am so grateful for the knowledge we have!!!

Also. I AM SO HYPED FOR CONFERENCE!!! I invite each of you to continue (or start) reviewing the talks from last conference to prepare yourself for these upcoming sessions!!

I love each of you SO MUCH. Thank you for the support and prayers!!!!!

Hermana King :) 
This gas station had BLUE LIGHTS EVERYWHERE in the store, so why not capture the moment? Haha

Victor's baptism!! (He is on the far left, LOOK HOW HAPPY HE LOOKS)

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