Monday, February 3, 2020

Dis fecha ain't un fechoria!!!!!

Hi guys!!!!! It was such a good week for the San Germanas!!!!

27 (Monday)
The ferris wheel was amazing so I just had to include it here hahah

First day of the new change and the San Germanas are back at it for another transfer! We had some miracles today! Hna Luke put me in charge of directing us so of course we got lost and we had to take some roundabout ways but God needed us where we were! We met TWO nuevos within 10 minutes of each other! We had a visit with Fam Arambulo and they said they want to get temple recommends!! Yes!!!

Okay!! SO we finally got to teach our amigo, Roberto. It has been so hard to teach him because he works out of our zone so we had to ask a bunch to go out of the zone to teach him. We finally did and WOW! I have never met a more ready guy that just needs the gospel. His testimony is so ready to grow and wow. We also have gotten into 50/50 teaching which has been a real life miracle of how God works through His missionaries. I dont know spanish but every time we get into a lesson words just come out. The lesson that we taught him, was a lesson I had never fully participated in teaching before and God put words in my mouth. SO GRATEFUL! A friend once told me that "we arent called to speak spanish, we are called to preach the gospel!" That has been so so true!!

30 (Thursday) 
We met our new zone!! They are amazing!! We are a hoot. Hna Luke and I taught part of our district meeting and we taught about teaching while being unified but its funny because our whole district is still training so we all laughed BUT then we did this activity where there was one amigo and all of our district sat there and we taught L1 but the person teaching was the person who the amigo was looking at so it changed throughout the whole lesson. It was one of the coolest experiences ever!! Okay so at night we had a little scare..we came home for the bathroom and as we were leaving again we saw this car right outside of the gate to our house. We locked the door and started down the street and then the car pulled into the street, we ran back into the gate and waited for him to leave. Long story and (not fully details hahah mama k is on this email) we called our district leader and about 20 minutes later we got a call from president. All is good! We told president we weren't worried because the San Germanas are a pretty tough duo haha. We had some good laughs. We werent allowed out the rest of the night.

31( Friday)
We met with Roberto again! HE IS AMAZING!!! We taught about Christ and he is so so good! I opened up to a random scripture trying to gather my thoughts while Hna Luke was teaching and she turned it over to me like really fast hahaha so I just pointed to a verse and we read it. Turned out to be exactly what we needed! Woot! We also met with Rafael and he accepted baptism but no date yet. It is a process and God is working with us! 

1( Saturday)
Alright guys. This is the update I know you all were waiting for. OUR HIGH FITNESS CLASS.Guys. It was a smashing success today haha! WE had amigos there and members!! One of the amigos of some elders is super into fitness and he came and he LOVED IT!!! It was so so good!!!! We had a meeting that night for the missionaries in our stake so that was fun!

2( Sunday)
Today was the best!! We had church and Roberto came with us!! He really enjoyed it! All of the members came up to him and introduced themselves. It was so good! After church we gave him a tour and then we gave him a lesson on how to find answers! We went into a classroom and asked him what one of the questions he has for God. He wanted to know if the LDM was true. We had him say a prayer and then Hna Luke said "okay. lets find your answer right now. Open up to any page in the LDM and pick a random verse."Guys I got so nervous! I was like... uhhh what is she doing....who is this woman....the faith she has....haha!  He opened up to 1 Nephi 11:15 and we started reading with this question of his in mind. We read not even a chapter when he said he felt something about his answer! I taught about how we need to ask God with the answer we think is right and ask Him yes or no after telling Him what we think. After that he prayed very specifically. After his prayer he kept his eyes closed and then just smiled at us. He told us he got his answer about the truthfulness! YAY for testimonies!! We taught about commitments after. In our previous lessons we had brought up baptism and so we brought it up again and extended a baptismal date and invitation and he accepted!!! 22 of February!! Yes!!

I just want to tell all of you guys that God is in the details. My spiritual thought is in 1 Nephi 15:8 when Nephi asks his borther "have ye inquired of the Lord?"This week I told God I felt small and that I didnt quite know why He needed me where I was. He answered my prayers with giving me a companion that takes all of my crazy ideas and enthusiasm to make it a good thing. High fitness was one of these little miracles! I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and how much He wants to involve himself in our lives.  

My challenge for you is this! Pray to God with a specific question and open up the Book Of Mormon, pick a verse and start reading. I promise you that when we ask God with faith, He will find a way to answer our prayers just how we need them answered.

I love you all so so much!!!!!!

Hermana King :) 

Peru Lima Central is introduced to High Fitness via Hermana King!

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