Monday, January 27, 2020

"Go ASOMBRO somebody!"

A pic of us waiting for interviews with president
Hi everyone!!! I hope you guys had the best week ever!!!

We went to the offices again for Hna Luke's school stuff!! She found the DAR scholarships and if you know anything about Gilmore Girls you will understand the excitement we both had hahaha! We got to go to bed early(!!!!!!!!) because Elder Holland was coming the next day!! We LOVE President Strong haha!!

We woke up at 4:25am and we all left as a zone for the devo with Elder Holland! We got lost for over an hour but good thing we had the time to get lost hahaha! We finally got there and they had each mission line up and get a picture taken!! Elder Holland finally rolled up in a minivan hahaha and then he came out and just smiled at all of us. He took a picture with each mission and THEN WE ALL LINED UP AND SHOOK HIS HAND!! And guys, because Hna Luke was leading the music WE GOT TO GO FIRST AND SIT ON THE STAND BEHIND HIS HEAD. Yes it really happened hahaha. We were the FIRST people to shake his hands so we felt super cool ahhaha! He talked to us about obedience!! It was AMAZING!!!!! I have some quotes from him as the spiritual thought and challenge for today. But wow it was amazing! That night he gave another devo that we got to go watch with some less actives in our ward! It was a question and answer and wow the spirit was so strong!! That night we contacted for awhile and welp. Its true that drunk men kiss the white people. hahah! I went in for the handshake and he pulled me right in and gave me a good ol kiss on my cheek hahaha we laughed and went home LOL

We had district meeting! Woot!! We had such a good cita with our amigo Carlos and he said he finally got an answer about the BOM!! YES!! That night we walked home the sweetest old lady so that was fun!

We went and did a service all morning!! We painted a few rooms inside of a house and me and the district leader put up this MASSIVE Barbie poster and yes dad, I was a BOSSSSSS with the drill so you could say I kept the family name proud from out here in Peru! We had a cita with Rafael and we brought a member with us and they clicked so well!! These 2 old men became friends and exchanged numbers! We love that!! Hahah!! We went to another devo broadcast with Elder Holland and it was oh so good!! It was to the recent converts about staying strong!

We had our HIGH fitness class!!! It went so good hahahahaha actually lets just say that it could only get better from here. Can't wait for the next week for class!! Long story short no one showed up but lemme tell ya, Hna Luke and I got a good workout Saturday hahaha We had weekly planning and we sent a referral to CHILE!! My MTC friends are there and the missionaries we sent it to was Elder Holmstead!! WHAT ARE THE ODDS!! We found out CHANGES THIS NIGHT!! And THANKFULLY THE SAN GERMANAS ARE TOGETHER FOR ANOTHER CHANGE!!!! YES!! We are so grateful for that!!!!!! 

So we couldn't do anything or go out until after 4pm because of elections. Soooo that was fun hahah! We made mug cakes and had a grand ol time in our apartment. You already know we had so much fun. We had Venezuelan food for lunch so that was yummy!! And then we went and did a scripture read and study with our district! Our district is all staying the same which is unheard of here haha! It's so good though because we LOVE our district!!! We had a cita with Carlos and his MOM this day!! His mom isn't a member and we got ANOTHER cita with her so YAY!!! Then we got dissed by our amiga Diana again but it's all good. We keep praying and doing what we need to do! All of our citas and home evenings fell through but we met 3 new really really awesome potential friends so yay!!

Alright guys get this. So there is a mall called Plaza Norte and there is a massive ferris wheel out in front of it. We had never heard of any missionaries going on it so we said hey why not and we asked for permission hahaha the AP's called us and said they asked president and they said president started laughing hahahah and said "They totally can!" hahaha the AP's told us to tell them how it is so that they can go next week hahahah so the whole mission can thank us hahaha! We played frisbee with our zone one last time! It was so fun! I love our district guys!!!

Spiritual thought:
Why is life and all types of missionary work so hard?
"Ït's not easy because Salvation isn't a cheap experience"-Elder Holland 
It is so true though!! We want everyone to be able to participate in this great gospel. It is hard because eternity is worth it!

My challenge for you all:
Elder Holland challenged all of us missionaries to "go äsombro somebody" which means astonish. We can do that by sharing the gospel in small and simple ways!! Pray for someone and pray for inspiration of how to serve them!! 

I love you all so so so much!!!!! Have the best week ever!!!!!!

 pic from our balcony

Chaufa is the name of the dog that lives by one of the chapels where we have district and zone meeting and the day after I found out about Sadie, Chaufa came and sat by me so we took a picture!! Chaufa looks a lot like Sadie huh??! She is sweet like Sadie too! 

fotos de el temple de última semana! 

More from the temple

Activity with Latina comps for the day! (The one on the far right is the hermana cap I did intercambios with and the girl in the middle is the YW that we took with us!)

A pic of us from our balcony haha it was bright!

While working on Hna Luke's scholarships, we found the DAR and we both loveeeee Gilmore Girls so OBVIOUSLY we needed a picture hahahah

And no I didn't nail Hermana  Luke in the face that picture was posed hahaha!
 That was after her first HIGH fitness class!!  Hahaha!

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