Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Wow wow! Hi everyone! I cannot believe this week marks HALFWAY! Wow. It is so crazy to think that at this point I know about half of what they say I'll need to know before Peru..yeah YIKES! Haha! Well, I am excited to tell you all about this past week! This week Ihave seen SO many miracles and little tender mercies! I hope you are all so good!

Funny story before the daily rundown..last night we were going to put all of our mattresses in one room and celebrate the last night before pday (!!!!) and guys, we LOVE pday around here haha! Anyways, we got home from our Tuesday night devotional and we all changed into pajamas and got ready for bed. I went in to ask the other Hermanas who had our house devotional and when I came back into my room not even FIVE minutes later, Hermana Miles was DEAD ASLEEP on her bed. Sooooo long story short we didn't have our sleepover BUT we told scary stories instead. So there's that for a funny story...haha!

Wednesday the 20th:
Okay so this was pday but at the end of the night we had STL training! It was so fun! We had meetings until 9:00 but we loved it! OH so I didn't know in the Latina culture the Hermanas all kiss cheeks. Trying to be the best STL I could, I asked some new Hermanas if they needed help finding a classroom and so when we found it they all started to line up and hug and kiss me haha! So that was a good time not knowing about that till the moment of. We made friends with all of our new Hermanas in our branch and they are so amazing!

Thursday the 21st:
Today was great! We played volleyball against district 1B and they are our best friends! We love them! If anyone asks we KILLED them but if they ask it might be different. It was good! And fun! Hermana Miles got sick so we had to wash all the sheets and wash our apartment to start fresh! So we stayed up late! BUT we have a community snack pile that we all contribute to everyday so it's a good time! So many Mexican treats! It's the best! We stayed up late but had a party doing it!

Friday the 22nd:
We taught Manuel the importance of families! It was so fun because I love talking about my family and I can do it in Spanish now! Woot! Family is so important! I can't wait to teach the people in PERU about mine! Our whole district is SICK and so there was a lot of throwing cough drops around during our grammar lessons the past few days...haha! Okay! We translated "Father I Adore Thee" in Spanish and it is my favorite song to sing here!! So for all the young women it is now being sung in Mexico with a LOT of the Hermanas! We played kickball with our favorite other district and we had so much fun!! Read 2 Nephi 4:20! It is amazing!! 

Saturday the 23rd:
We taught Karla today!! She has been really hard to teach for the other companionships but we had a really, really good lesson! Gift of Tongues is real!! So a few weeks ago I explained that we have to write talks in Spanish every week and I didn't finish mine until about 11 on Saturday night..! Our elders had a hot dog eating contest for dinner and uhhhh hahah bad idea haha! Class for 3 hours after that made for a REALLL good time. Haha! Okay we had a mercy moment today! Hermana Miles had lost her Spanish hymnbook a few weeks ago and she was having a hard day without it. I stopped studying and ran to the district leader and asked to go on a split! Hermana Wahl and I ran all around with Elder Barrowes and Rundquist to try and find it. It was NO WHERE! AND the tienda was closed so we couldn't go buy one SO being the great people they are...The elders gave up one of theirs and we superglued the front pages so she couldn't see the name on it haha! And then I wrote a letter on it so she really couldn't tell haha! Giving it to her was the best! She loved it and it made me happy to do something so small for her to make such a big difference in her CCM experience!

Sunday the 24th:
Today was GREAT! If you've caught on, you know how much I just LOVE Sundays!! We got sustained today as the new STL's!! So that was fun! We had meetings with the branch president after and it was good to talk to him. His english was good so that's a blessing! We had the best lessons today and learned so much! We learned about Sacrifice and the Book of Mormon! It was amazing. Every class, everyday it just shows me and proves to me that I am supposed to be here! We said goodbye to the old STL's and that was so hard. We have become so close and it is crazy that they're in the mission field now! They will be absolutely amazing. We had choir practice and a devotional! We sang Getsemani! It is the prettiest song, especially in Spanish! The Spirit is so strong! We took pictures so that was fun! We are only allowed to take pictures outside on Sunday for about an hourish and then on Pday! 

Monday the 25th:
Hermana Miles was still not feeling good so we spent about 6 hours at home so I did a lot of studying from home! We talked about being more converted (in the class we actually were in today haha) and it was so powerful. Our first convert is ourselves!! It is so important to focus on our own testimony before we go and share it with people! We left class again in the afternoon and so that was hard not being in class! BUT I am so happy my comp is slowly getting better! Little miracles, right? We stayed up late again this night and talked about life! It was fun to hear more about the life of the hermanas outside of mission life! They are amazing. 

Tuesday the 26th:
We taught Manuel again. I was so nervous to teach because we hadn't been to class in a few days and so I was worried...BUT the word my teacher used to describe it was perfect. I KNOW!  I can't believe it either. It was crazy. When I say there are miracles throughout the day I really mean it. I was able to jump right back into class and I started to understand more than I usually do in those lessons!! We taught Karla too! We originally were planning on talking about the Godhead but we ended up talking about the Book of Mormon! It is so scary going off of our plan because we memorize questions and stuff in SPANISH about what we are planning to talk about BUT it went great!! I was so shocked haha! It was awesome! We had a really fun workshop but ended up leaving early again but we were able to make it back in time for the end! So that was awesome! Tuesdays are PIZZA TUESDAYS woot woot! And it's Costco pizza so you could say we are eating pretty over here in Mexico! Haha! We had STL training with a presidency member and it went so well! It made me so excited to get to work!! We have our first meeting with new missionaries TONIGHT! (Wednesday) so that's exciting!! Wish us luck! We had the best devo from my favorite counselor in the presidency. It was amazing!! We learned how to be better missionaries, go figure right? haha! BUT it was so uplifting and just what I needed! MIRACLES! We sang in the devo tonight and it was so cool! There's about 400 people in the choir and it is just amazing! 

Oh how we LOVE WEDNESDAYS!! Today has been so good. Video chatting my family is the best thing in the world. I love them. Today we played volleyball, ate ice cream and just had the best day! 

Okay. Here is my testimony for this week. 
I am so grateful for my Father in Heaven. This week has been the hardest, but everyday there is something to be grateful for. I am so grateful for the ability to see Gods hand. I know that this is the true gospel and I know that God loves each and every one of us. God is aware of us! He knows us and is wanting to bless us with so much, which He does. 

My challenge for you all this week is to write down little miracles throughout your day. There may be bad moments, but everyday can be a great one if we change our mindset! I love you all so much and I love mission life. I hope you all have the best Thanksgiving! You are all amazing! And I love you!!

Always remember that Dios es nuestra amoroso Padre Celestial y somos Sus hijos!


Hermana King :):)

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