Thursday, December 12, 2019

6, 5, 4, 3, 2......1! PERU!

Hi guys!! This pday marks the LAST pday in Mexico! I head to Peru early early in the morning on Monday the 16th! We leave the CCM at 4am! 

This week was one of the best weeks yet! 

Here's the rundown:

December 4th: 
Pday woot! We went to the temple and it was the absolute best! Everything is in Spanish and it was crazy how much I could understand! We got back after 5 so we went straight to our meeting for the new missionaries!

December 5th:
MONTH MARK!! I cannot believe I'm been living mission life for a month. I have loved it so much! Hermana Miles and I spent all of our comp study time (we have it everyday) helping another district who was having problems with some sisters. We taught Karla and our new interested person Alejondra! We talked about families and challenged them to watch the new Nativity video and we talked about Christ's earthly family! It was good to tie those in together! At dinner we played the Chubby bunny challenge with grapes. Guys. The grapes are HUGE here so that was so funny haha! 

December 6th:
We taught Oswaldo about eternal families! I told you I loved talking about families...haha! I am getting to the point where I really don't have a problem understanding my teachers anymore which is a miracle! We had a workshop after lunch and it was actually the best one we've ever had! We talked about working through members! We play hacky sack during class which was a BLAST! Haha! It hit me today that I'm leaving soon and I am just so grateful for the people I've met. We all come from different places, families, stories,  but we are all representatives of Christ and so we all have the most important thing in common. 

December 7th: 
We practiced teaching the Plan of Salvation in 3 minutes! It was tough!! Spanish is hard enough but FAST SPANISH is another level of hard haha! We used our study time again to talk with some hermanas that were having problems with each other. We taught Karla for the LAST TIME! (our teacher is leaving. Yes, another one. haha) We taught her the Plan of Salvation. It was a really good learning situation hahaha if you get what I'm putting down..haha! All of my friends here are into Anime so they've been teaching me stuff! We played sand volleyball which is always a highlight! My teacher, Hermana Meza ate dinner with us tonight because it was her last day and she dropped her PHONE in my mashed potatoes haha! That was a mess to clean up but a good laugh nonetheless! Ha! 

December 8th: 
Yay for SUNDAYS!!!! We had our zone meeting with the STL's  and district leaders and that went well! We get to pick the hymns we sing and who plays the piano and leads.Thank goodness there are good people like Elder Hamblin and Homestead that were fine with me volunteering them haha! I gave the closing prayer so WOOT! Next Sunday is our last Sunday and I'm so sad! District council went great. We made an announcement about Light the World and focusing on service! We did Come Follow Me which was so fun. We had 30 extra minutes so we all went around and shared our "James 1:5" scripture! So cool to hear scriptures that have helped people! We had nap time woot! Then we had a video devo about personal revelation! We went and practiced our song that we are singing next week in Sacrament meeting! We're singing a mix of Getsemani and Peace in Christ. Elder Hamblin and Homestead mashed it up and it was amazing! We're singing with both districts! It sounds so good! I'm excited! We watched the Christmas devo! Wasn't it so good?! I saw Hermana (Louise) Wall! It was so fun to see people I know!! 

December 9th:
We taught a lesson to some other missionaries in district 1B about the La Ley De Castidad which is the law of chastity! It was nerve racking and we were given fake stories of people. We were taught the Word of Wisdom and we acted as a guy with a bad drinking problem that wanted to stop but couldn't. After that we had the best lesson about the BOM! We practiced the song for Sunday again! I'm excited for it! We got our immunizations checked one last time before we LEAVE! We did a service project this day and we cleaned up the garden by the trees but Hermana Miles is afraid of spiders so she held the bag and I went to town. My arms got wrecked with spider bites and scratches! BUT #service haha! I saw our old teacher Hermano Castillo today and it was the best!! We had a BOM share today about stories that represent the best missionary example. We had the best night class tonight. We got to teach with other people and we taught about forever families. We watched a Mormon Message about this mom who lost her little boy when he was really young. Then our teacher paused the video and said we had 5 minutes to prepare a 20 minute lesson! It was so cool. The spirit is THE COOLEST!! 

December 10th:
Okay this day was amazing. We found out our flight plans! It was hard because it means we're LEAVING! I'm so sad but so excited! We've built a little family in this home away home and so saying goodbye will be SO TOUGH!! We got to help the new missionaries come in saying bye to their families and we got to help bring their stuff in and take them to their houses! It was the coolest experience to see that. Families and missions are so good!! We played basketball for gym time which was fun! We got Hermana Miles a flute and so we went in and practiced for awhile today! It was fun to see her so happy! We taught my favorite lesson we have ever taught to our new interested person Alejondra!! We taught her about Christ which is a lesson we have taught so many times, the spirit just spoke differently today! AH! It was amazing!! At dinner tonight one of our elders wanted to break the pizza eating record...15 pieces of pizza...our Elder got to 13 and called it a day! Ha! We had choir practice and then we watched a SURPRISE broadcast from Provo! President Ballard and President Oaks spoke! It was so good!!! After the devo we got home and decided to have a sleepover hahaha! Living this last week up! We moved our mattresses in one room and had a party! We actually went to bed earlier than usual haha! 

December 11:
TODAY! Today is a grand day. We got up and ate and now we are emailing!! See. Best. Day. Ever.

alright guys! This week's challenge is to find your "James 1:5" scripture and share it! This week is all about service and our testimonies is one of the best gifts or acts of service we can give!! 

I love you all so much!! Next time I email will be in PERU with some fun updates!! I love you all! I feel your prayers and thoughts. I LOVE YOU!!

Hermana King:)

Hermana Louise Wall

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