Monday, December 30, 2019

Let me just say...FELIZ NAVIDAD!

(No pictures with this letter!  : (  )Okay guys let me tell you something. I have never struggled more, BUT guys, I have never been so happy!! I have genuinely never been so happy! 


We had such bad tech problems trying to put a video on for a less active. If you know me, then you have heard me laugh like crazy and GUYS. I started laughing harder than I ever have. It made the less active, Paola start laughing and so that lesson went not how we were wanting it buttttt its okay! Haha I would just like to say that Paola was at church yesterday for the first time in forever soooooo! MIRACLES!! Haha!! At the end of the night, we were thinking that the celebrations would start later on the 25 aka CHRISTMAS! Well we were wrong. We had back to back DINNERS,  yes full on meals haha! We were able to try Nicaraguan food and it was delicious! We went to bed that night getting ready to PARTY the next day and we got woken up an hour later to FIREWORKS like a crazy amount of fireworks. SO SO COOL!! WHO KNEW! Guys. In Peru they celebrate on the 24th and sleep on the 25th! Ha! Today was seriously such a good day. 

WE LOVE CHRISTMAS!! Man today was so good. We had breakfast with our zone!! We played games and had a secret santa!! We went home and ORDERED PIZZA! Yes we go big for Christmas. We set up our room with stockings and our christmas tree (thanks mom!) and ate pizza while we watched Legacy on a very, very tiny DVD player haha! We went and talked to our families after!! After an hour of tech problems I was finally able to talk to my family!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! After that we did a service project with another zone! We went to a big mall area and caroled! We contacted too. While we were getting started, a little girl came up to me and just hugged me. I looked at her and smiled and her grandpa came over and said thank you and that it had made her whole day. Being nice to people works!! We went home and opened presents and it was just the best day!!!!!

We had district council and I gave the spiritual thought! Hna Luke teaches the english class so I got to help yay! We met with our fav people Lucha and Karina and we made a goal to go to the temple and do baptisms with them for the first time next month!!! WOOT!!!!! We went and talked with a less active, Liz and we were teaching the 10 commandments. In the middle of the scripture, she stopped and asked if my eyelashes were real and how she could get some like them. Hahaha! We kept going and she did it again but then asked about my hair hahaha We laughed and told her it was allllll natural and she got up an got us free ice cream hahaha! PERKS! WOOT!

We had our multizona and it was amazing! We had to wake up at 530 to leave our apartment..when we got to the bus stop and onto the bus (we had paid too), we realized we forgot our white elephant we had to get off and go get them! Long story short we met up with our zone again an hour later. The multizona was great!! We had a devo, decorated gingerbread houses, played games and did skits!! Ours was the best hands down. (President Strong recorded it so dont worry mama k) and then we ate!! YUM! I had apple pie for the first time and it wasnt half bad haha! We had a devo of Christs life which was the coolest thing ever!! There was musical numbers and everything! The Strongs are the best and they got us all matching sweatshirts!!! SO SWEET!!!! We rode a bus home but one of our elders likes to pick buses depending on iff they have a USB or not. He finally picked one and we jammed to some english church songs haha all the way home! WHAT A GREAT DAY!!!!

Hermana Luke woke up and tried to smuggle cleaning supplies to clean the bathroom alone hahahaha she didnt make it too far. We cleaned and then had 4 hours of weekly planning! New goals with the new year takes time!!!! We had Lomom Saltado and WOW IT IS YUMMY! the food here is amazing! I had a feeling I should find some talks for Karina and Lucha! I found some and we went to meet with them again! We laugh a lot with them and I was explaining how I am usually 10 seconds behind in the conversations haha so they started counting to 10 and then expecting an answer hahaha oh how funny they think they are hahah 10 seconds is not enough hahaha! We got the call that we had to go to immigration on Monday morning so woot what a party! Hahahah! 

I gave the prayer in ward council woot! And guys so in case you all were wondering, I am still clueless haha in ward council they had us go around and all say our thoughts on something..yeah I dont know what they were talking about so when it got to me I just had to start saying stuff..hahaha well let me tell ya, I dont know what was said but I got a few nods with what I said so woot! Haha! We got to Sacrament meeting and as the bishop was giving announcements I was asking hermana Luke who people were as they came in. I thought I heard my name announced so i asked if she heard it too but she said nope. So we sing the hymn and then time for the prayer and no one got up...welp I looked at the bishop and I pointed to myself and he smiled and nodded his head hahaha so I got up and said my 5 sentences in spanish and sat down hahaha! After the meeting he came up and asked us if we were ready with our lesson. Our what now? Hermana Luke forgot that 3 weeks ago he asked the hermanas to speak on responsibility hahaha so um she looks at me and said sorry and we said we could still do it! Hahaha! Again, I dont know what i said but there were some nods in the audience haha! Lucha is a less active like I said, and today her WHOLE FAMILY came to church. Hermana Luke said she has never seen her husband there but here he was!! MIRACLES!!!!! Our lunch cancelled and she gave us money and tried to convince us to go buy food on the way home ahahhah! We didnt and went home and made french toast with melted M&Ms on the top hahaha yup we are living pretty here. It was the best and such a good time! Haha! We had a family home evening with familia Sanchez. Another member stopped by, Bruno, we got talking and he asked if I knew JARED CALL haha! So seriously wow what a small world. 
Today started bright and early at 330 so we could get to the offices! We got there and met up with the group of missionaries that I came in with. We were at immigration ALL DAY! When we got back we did studies and then tried to use our internet was closed so we walked around and had to call to go into another zone. As you could have guessed, we found one! Haha! 

I will be on again on Wednesday because my mission president loves us so much haha! I will send pictures then!!  


Challenge for the week:
Think of a trial that you've had and write down how you grew and what blessings came from it! You will be surprised just how much God is really there!!

I have never been so genuinely happy and yet I have struggled more than I ever have. God can work miracles with helping our perspective on situations change us to see opportunity instead of circumstance!! 

I love you all!!! You'll get pics on Wednesday!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

Hermana King!!

Insta post from the multi-zona

The only picture from the mult-zona conferencia that Abby was in was the whole group video
wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2019

Call me a PERUVIAN!

Abby and her trainer, Hermana Luke

This was Abby's temporary companion the first night she got to Peru.  Her name is Hermana Garate.

Hello everyone!! I am safe and sound in PERU! I still cannot believe its real. I need to apologize for my spelling errors because I am using a spanish keyboard but I will try my hardest!!

So much has happened since the 16th when I got here so I will rush through the days! But if we are being honest...and we all know will be a little longer than we think hahaha! 

So to wrap up the last few days at the CCM! Wow I miss it. There are so many good people there and I miss them!! I will try to send some pictures. We said our goodbyes and that was that!

Then the 16th hit. We were supposed to be at reception at 330 in the morning...well our alarm didn't go off sooooo we woke up at 338! Our bus was leaving at 4! Guys it was most definitely a Home Alone moment. Long story short we got the bus on time so God really is in the details because I have never seen 4 girls get ready so quick... anyways we made our flight and next thing we knew we were IN PERU! I met up with the 5 people there for me! My temporary comps name is Hermana Garate! She's the best! We went and rode the buses and guys the buses here are legit kidnapper vans hahah! I slept at her apartment that night with! I met President briefly that night! We had 2 sisters sleep over at our apartment which was fun too!

The 17th
I met my comp!! Her name is Hermana Luke and she is from Arizona! President could not have picked a better companion for me! She is so sweet and so fun! We have a party together! We work so hard together and we mesh so well!!! BLESSINGS!!!! A bunch of the elders said they all had heard about me before I came because of KAELIN HIRSCHI haha! So thanks girl you are the best haha! My mission president is a COUG so we good here in Peru!! We went to our apartment in our area San German! I am definitely in a third world country but man I love it here. I really feel at home which is so great!! We went out and met some members!

The 18th
We dropped our laundry off to be cleaned! We ran into a member and so we went to go talk to her! Her husband came over and put a plate of food in front of both of us....guys....FISH...yes FISH happened hahah! When I blessed my food I prayed so hard just to be able to eat it...and I liked it! Haha! If you know me you know fish is a no...but in peru I guess it's not! Then we went to lunch...hahah yes so much food. We have a pinchanista that makes us lunch Monday through Friday and then we eat with members on the weekends! Found out I love bananas which is also new! haha! We have a baptism date so yay! She gets baptized in 2 weeks! Her name is Diana! We also set up a nativity with a sweet lady named Cecilia! She is a less active but we are working on it!

The 19th
We had district council! We practiced teaching and Hermana Luke said she was really really proud of me! Hermana Luke said she has been in 5 sketchy situations her whole mission and 2 of them have been with me hahaha details wont be shared because my mom reads this hahah! God is real woot! WE GOT MY CHRISTMAS PACKAGES AND WOW IT WAS A GOOD DAY!! We went home and dumped them! Christmas is here!! We both were so grateful!! Thank you Mama and Papa King! We had divisions with the STLS and so we switched comps for about an hour! We just contacted and so that means I sit and smile! haha! We ran into some sweet ladies who we are teaching this week and I really think they could be golden! So I am so excited about that! 

The 20th 
We had weekly planning that ended up taking about 2 hours.....longer than it should have hahaha! There was so much to organize and do! We got it done so it was a good time hahah! We had so much yummy food. Guys the food here is amazing. AND here in Lima you don't ever have water with a meal, always Inca Cola or a juice! I love it! We met with our ward mission leader and he is the best!! We had a sweet lady come up to us and she gave us a treat! The people here are honestly so sweet and I am so blessed! We taught lesson 4 to Diana and she understood and accepted everything! We gave her a pre baptism interview! SHE IS SO READY!! We got bible bashed from a scary guy in a street but hey I am here emailing today so we made it out alive! }

The 21st
We are making a skit to perform for our multizona conference in a few days! So we went and practiced that and then we went and got food for the week! We went to lunch after and we had a miracle! The sweet sisters that made us lunch, the Familia Benitas is letting us use their house to facetime our families on Christmas! So many blessings! I led the spiritual thought we left with them which was really cool! My spanish is a wreck but somehow my testimony always makes sense. God is watching out for each and every one of us!! I testify of that! We went to our Wards Chocolada which is basically a party for the primary kids! It was so fun! We got some references from members so HOLLA!!! We stopped and got GELATO on the way home so it was a HECK of a day! The sweets here are amazing!!!! We stayed up a little too late talking...haha! But I love it! I am best friends with my companion and I am so grateful for her!

The 22nd
Church was amazing!! Did I understand any? Nope. BUT I felt the spirit! Haha! Little victories right?? Guys we get shut down a lot but that is just how the mission is. It is hard when you are so excited for something and it doesnt happen! I have learned to keep going because God gives so many blessings, we just need to look!! Everything has a purpose!! We made cookies with the bishop and wow that was fun!! His girls had so much fun. My mom sent me a cake mix for sugar cookies with sprinkles and frosting! All of those things are new to the people here so they just LOVED IT!! It was so much fun. Best day!! 

The 23rd!
TODAY HAS BEEN GREAT!! Thats all I gotta say! haha!!

Okay so I hope you all know I love you! I don't have a ton of time because we don't have a full pday today just an hour to email! I have pday this week on Wednesday because of Christmas!! I hope you all have the best Christmas!! Feliz Navidad!! I am so sorry if I didn't respond to your emails! I will do it Wednesday or next Monday and thats a promise! 

My challenge for you this week comes from a quote from Kevin Worthen:

"I have come to believe that one measure of our eternal progress is how much joy we derive from service."

Write down a few times someone has served you and what they did! Do one of those things for someone TODAY!! 

Guys I love you!! Ill send pics next!!

Love you!!!!
Hermana King

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Pictures from the Mission dropbox!

These are some more pictures from Abby's first day in Peru.  They were just posted!  Yay!

These are screenshots from the video of when Abby found out who her trainer was!