Monday, June 29, 2020

Havin fun and stayin 6 feet apart WOOT

Wow!! How is it already Monday again!! I hope you ALL had the best week ever!! 

Here in Ocala we are THRIVING! Last week we weren't too thrilled about our numbers and we got pretty down. We all sat looking at each other and out of no where words just started coming out haha I told my comps that I had confidence that we were going to double our numbers next week and then we prayed at night! And GUYS this week we TRIPLED our numbers from last week!! I usually save spiritual moments until the end but hahaha here I go. One of our mission mottos is "All In". This past week wasn't all rainbows and butterflies but we told God we were "All In". We worked really hard and it paid off. Sometimes in life it doesn't always work out how we want to, BUT God knows how it SHOULD work out. So keep smiling and know you're doing better than you think you are :) like come on. We're sons and daughters of Heavenly Father!! HOW RAD!!

Okay some highlights from the week!! 
-For those of you who read last week about our snake contact hahaha well...on Wednesday he told us he FOUND IT IN HIS HOUSE bahaha! He said it was trying to get out so he picked it up and threw it wayyyyyy far off the balcony 😂 

-We were able to take our friend Jesus to the church and give him a tour! It could not have gone better! He had so many great questions about not only the foundation of our church but also about prophets and temples! It was best!! 

-We have been getting so much food from members lately! Not just dinners here and there, but groceries! Ha! On Sunday we received TWO Costco-sized boxes of food like bread, milk, peanut butter, cheese, etc! The elders we share our small Spanish branch with get the same amount so we can't share with anyone haha. So during ward council on Sunday, the branch president gave the elders a lot of crap about not being able to cook hahaa ,so long story short a cook off was talked about hahaha

-We made a bunch of cookies this week!! It has been hard trying to keep up with how generous the members have been! We are so grateful!! We made peanut butter-biscoff cookies and lemme tell ya, they were pretty dang good!

-We were able to have a zone training called "specialized" and it was the first time in months that they had had it in person! We were all in masks and our tables were far apart BUT it was human interaction so we call it a WIN! Haha! Fun spiritual moment from specialized was at the very end. We were able to have a testimony meeting. I had never been in a testimony meeting with just missionaries before! We had about one minute to share what we felt prompted to share! It was one of the coolest, most spiritual experiences i have ever witnessed or been a part of! Hearing these powerful testimonies from such great missionaries really helped us reconnect with our purpose as missionaries! It's sometimes hard to stay motivated because we're inside a lot or making videos/posts for facebook BUT it has been SO awesome to think of out of the box ideas to make it fun! 

-We have another friend named Elizabeth! She is  from Ecuador. What's crazy is she's a reference from Salt Lake! One of my cute comps, Hermana Molvar served in Ecuador in almost the same city!! HOW COOL! GUYS God is in the details!! Elizabeth has been doing amazing! She has had so many questions about the Book of Mormon and she comes prepared with her notebook of questions every lesson!! 

-WELL! I'll end with a funny/crazy highlight! We were having correlation on Wednesday and for some reason only one of our usual members hopped on. His name is Hermano Mandujuano and he is from PERU. We got talking and it turns out he served his mission in the Lima North mission. He asked me what areas I served in when I was in Peru and I told him San German! He froze and then told me that San German is where he served about 30 YEARS AGO! HOW CRAZY! San German had just moved into our missions boundaries right before I had gotten there in December! WHAT ARE THE ODDS! Crazy crazy cool miracles!! Then he went on and asked if i thought San German was pretty or ugly and before I could answer he goes "it's super ugly, so there's no need to answer" and then we all just laughed. Hey I thought my sector in Peru was AWESOME hahhaa!

Wow!! What a week!! 
My spiritual thought/question for you all is this:) 

Since when does Christ have limits? 
Whenever we think we aren't good enough, or our sins are too big, we shouldn't ever doubt the Atonement. Since WHEN does Christ have limits? Spoiler! He doesn't have ANY limits! This is awesome! Our brother, Jesus Christ died for each and every one of us so we never had to be limited ourselves. He showed us how to have the mindset of growth! Are we perfect? I sure know I'm far far far from perfect BUT because I have confidence in my Savior, I know I don't have to be limited! 

My challenge for this is this:) 
Watch the video "The Wounded Shall Be Healed" and share it with someone!!

Guys I love you so so much!! Thank you for your prayers, love and support!! Have the BEST week!!!!

Hermana King:) 

How we teach in the church, masks and 6 feet apart! Haha!

Accidentally twinned haha

One of our appointments for a video call cancelled on us so here's a picture of a few moments after hahaha

We were SO excited because we got in the car to go to Specialized
and we were finally going to see other missionaries/people haha!

Citrus center!! 

We have "food Friday" every week and this week we tried Checkers!!

Fun pday lunch!

One of the many boxes of food we got!

Just smiles, because our week was full of them!! 


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